Active Release Technique®

Active Release Technique® is a soft tissue technique that addresses injuries and health conditions in a holistic and personal approach.

What is Active Release Technique® (ART®)?

Active Release Technique® is a patented, state of the art soft-tissue system/movement based technique that uses hands-on evaluation and treatment of the muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia and nerves. Using over 700 specific techniques, the clinician is able to evaluate the tightness, texture and overall movement of the muscles and tissues then effectively treat the root cause.

Whether you live an active lifestyle, sit at the computer all day, or enjoy gardening you can benefit from ART®.

Many common ailments can be attributed to weak or tight soft tissue or overused muscles:

• Headaches
• Sciatica
• Neck/Back Pain
• Whiplash injuries
• Running injuries (Shin Splints, Runner’s Knee, etc)
• Swimmer’s shoulder
• Tendonitis/Tendonosis (Tennis &/Golfer’s Elbow, Achilles Tendonosis, etc.)
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Muscle pulls and strains/sprains
• Plantar Fascitis

What are overuse conditions?

Areas of soft tissue or muscle show overuse by changing in three important ways:

• Acute conditions (tears, pulls, and collisions)
• Accumulation of small tears (micro trauma)
• Not getting enough oxygen to the tissues (hypoxia)

Each of these changes can lead to tough, dense scar tissue in the affected area over time as the body tries to repair the injuries. This scar-tissue binds-up and ties down tissues that need to move freely. As scar tissue builds up, muscles become shorter and weaker, tension on tendons causes tendonitis, and nerves become trapped (causing numbness, tingling, and weakness). Because of this, the patient may experience decreased range-of-motion, decreased strength, and most often pain.

What is an ART® treatment like?

Every ART® session is actually a combination of examination and treatment. The ART® provider uses his/her hands to evaluate the texture, tightness, and movement of the muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. Abnormal tissues are treated by combining precisely directed tension with very specific patient movement.

Whether a condition is chronic or acute, ART® works effectively by breaking down the adhesions between cross-fiber muscles to restore full motion and function, effectively alleviating pain. Most people report that treatment is a “good hurt”; treatments can feel uncomfortable as scar tissue adhesions are being “broken up”. This discomfort is temporary and usually subsides after treatment.

Treatments usually take 8-15 minutes for each area being treated. This non invasive technique extends on the practitioner’s depth of knowledge in anatomy and physiology, producing effective results that are evident in every treatment. Since ART® is about you, the patient, the clinician’s approach is 100% personal and the treatment is performed on an individual basis. A personal approach creates great results as you are only being treated for your specific condition, thus leading to a greater success rate and reduced recovery time.

By releasing the muscles, the body is then free to adapt a new and healthy function, and when used in combination with the Graston Technique® to break down scar tissue in the spectrum of Chiropractic, you can look forward to more freedom to enjoy Active Living!

Meet The Chiropractors at Active Living Chiropractic

“Dr Brandt’s genuine concern for her clients’ welfare and recommendations/options at times for treatment outside of her clinic certainly helped me. I would not hesitate to recommend a visit to Dr. Brandt and her clinic to see for yourself.”

Mayne McCutcheon

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